Monday, August 14, 2006



Pegan said...

This is stunning.


the quiet one said...

really? i wasn't sure of this one.

Pegan said...

Gorgeous. Practically religious looking.

You probably think that because you cropped it to get that image. Am I right?

Doesn't matter...cropping is part of photography. Seeing is what it is all about...

You did that.

the quiet one said...

yeah, the cropping helped to tighen the image a bit. without it wasn't what i felt i was looking at. does that make sense?

Pegan said...

It makes total sense.... I think you did a great job of capturing a moment of so many different things happening at once. The birds, the surfers, the water.. there is so much movement YET TO HAPPEN, and yet they are still... It's a really good photograph. Seriously.